Our solar system is positiond on the edge of our galaxy. While the galaxy spins in a spiral motion our solar system spins in a circular motion. Our solar system is to believed to be over 4 billion years old. They also believe that the univese is between 12 billion and 14 billion years old. They say that the universe is endless and that all the galaxys in the universe will be gone because they will never stop expanding.(1)
From my prior knoledge before the big bang there was almost nothing in the universe exccept a single star. then that star exploded and created the universe we know to day. It was believed that in that star was all of the chemicals and atoms that we know today. So when the star blew up it realsed all of that aand new stars were formed and from that galaxys were formed.

It is believed that the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the radiation left over from the big bang. From this radiation scientists can look at it and determine how old the universe is. Scientists are still uncertan of how old the universe is because the CMB that they look at is very small compared to the thousands that is out there.(2)

1.http://map.gsfc.nasa.gov/universe/uni_age.html, Universe 101, NASA, 3/19/09
2.http://www.astro.ubc.ca/people/scott/cmb_intro.html, The Cosmic Microwave
Background, Douglas Scott & Martin White, 10th February 2000
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